Circumnavigating Greenland (Web)
The journey will start at the west coast close to Kanqerlussuag 5th May, and will cover more than 5000km circling the icecap, sailing clockwise with the katabatic winds. We will be sailing at an altitude close to the 2000m contour line were the topographic and winds are most favourable. Based on the experience from three previous S-N Greenland traverses on the west cost, the whole journey should be possible within 45 days if all conditions are good. However the terrain and winds, after passing Thule continuing over the northern icecap and down the east cost, are all unknown and with more unstable winds than on the west coast.The aim for the Greenland circumnavigation is to test the improved three module sledge system, and at the same time be the first to circumnavigate the Greenland icecap by means of wind. Hopefully also including a new windsledge record of travelled distance in a day– 500km in 24h.
During the journey samples of snow, ice and air will be collected for analysis of profiles, levels of pollution and radioactivity.
The travelling plan will aim for 20h a day of sailing, rotating the 5 prs. crew in a 10h schedule, taking turns piloting, navigating and resting.
The Windsledge Project (Web)
This expedition is a part of the 'Windsled project’, taking it beginnings with the first prototype sledge in 2000. The main objective of the Windsledge project, is to give simple low operating cost and eco-friendly alternatives for conventional fuel-burning logistics over remote territories in the Antarctic. Having a great potential for exploration, transport and scientific surveying.The philosophy of the project joins the Inuit way of life of simplicity, and reliability together with nowadays technology and scientific commitment.
Based on the traditional Inuit sledge, the windsledge has over the last six expeditions covering almost 20.000km over icecaps, evolved from a very simple structure to now a three module sledge, carrying up to 2 tonne of personnel and material, reaching up to 40km/h in favourable conditions.
Much more information about the six previous windsledge expeditions the Project and next Antarctica exped. are found on the Windslede project Web.