
4300 km unsupported circumnavigation of the Greenland icecap by means of a Windsledge. An expedition within the 'Windsledge project' - An innovative, sustainable, low operating cost and global impact project.


Expedition prep.

Whilst I've been away all winter playing with huskies in the arctic, Ramon, Manuel and Eusebio has been working hard in Madrid to get the sledge ready in the work shop, getting communication and power systems up running, testing new developed kites, logistics for evac. plans and getting the sledge up on the ice, admin. for permits along with a million other things required for such an expedition. During this time the realization of the expedition has of various reasons shifted back and forth, from not possible to maybe happening several times, and to everyone's relief eventually to a  -good to go!.
Ramon testing one of the kites
When finally tearing myself away from the dogs, I've had the task of collecting all wind- and icecap contour data I could get my hands on, from various scientific institutes in DK, USA and DE. Lots of clever people, giving me information and access to very heavy data. A bit of a challenge trying to interpret, breaking down and downloading data that is essential to have available offline. All in all very cool stuff, and now a lot wiser on winds and icecaps.
As we are sailing on the  katabatic winds, a vital factor for the success of the journey, is to avoid getting stuck in local wind systems with 'wrong' or no winds. Traveling with a 1000+ kg sledge means we are not able to just manhaule our way out of  an area. Local wind systems may develop around large domes or depressions in the icecap. The detailed wind and icecap surface data, will therefore be a corner stone when setting waypoints as we travel, giving us a pointer of areas to stay clear of.

Pretty awesome island don't you think ?